Nexuiz steam chart
Nexuiz steam chart

This is all thanks to the CryEngine3! The attention to detail is extremely high I caught no areas that weren’t occupied with plausible detail. In a non-artistic approach, the game looks great and has a solid atmosphere. Remind you of anything? Graphics to Cry For:Įvidently, as soon as you boot this game up, your screen is filled with extremely attractive visuals. In my opinion, the teams are essentially fire versus ice. And there you have it, there’s no single player, just unending hours of online/offline action. At last, a truce had been made and they now battle each other in what is known as the ‘Nexuiz Competition’. The backstory of Nexuiz is: two ancient clans, the Kavussari (red) and the Forsellians (blue), have waged war for centuries.

nexuiz steam chart

It doesn’t hurt to have a backstory of course, to give it some setting. I mean, let’s look at Unreal Tournament 3 for example, great game and everything, but the story was (un)really sloppy.

nexuiz steam chart

Let’s be serious here, when it comes to first person arena shooters, the story is like plastic film over your favourite food or item it’s there for the sake of being there and you’re only concerned about its contents. Speculation will arise whether or not this version of the game is a worthy contender to the – more Quake-esque – original. And the best thing is … the CryEngine3, providing this game with some serious power and stunning visuals. Your goal is to instead make theirs a living hell by utilising the array of weapons, abilities and sheer tactics at your disposal: this is Nexuiz, and boy is it an upbeat thrill.ĭeveloped by Illfonic and published by THQ, this redefined game (originally an open source freeware) doesn’t fail to impress. Envision yourself spawning into a luscious (not sexually) arena, pitted against an enemy that’s determined to make your day really bad.

Nexuiz steam chart